Karen Merline

Oct 11, 20221 min

Our Souls are Fragile!

Mrs. Hruby's 5th grade class recently participated in a fun exercise to illustrate the important responsibility we have to care for our souls. Students were challenged to care for an egg for 24 hours to draw some very important parallels. What did they learn about souls?

  • They’re very fragile!

  • We need to be careful about who and what we let near them.

  • We shouldn't let one mistake cause us to give up!

  • Unlike these eggs🥚, we have a supernatural gift to heal our souls - grace!

Mrs. Hruby's 5th grade class poses with their eggs (aka their "souls"): Front L to R: Cloudia Haselwander, Lucy Sauter, Brynn Dischler. Middle L to R: Matthew Heiney, Sam Ederer, Evan Cunningham, Rhylan Muller, Meg Brickl. Back L to R: Emmanuel Alvarado and Savannah Ziegler.
